Happy Women’s Month!

In a society where gossip and ridicule is the norm, let’s attempt to
BUILD EACH OTHER UP instead of tear each other down!!

“ Empowered Women

Let’s talk #BabesCanBuildIt

Before @bb.buildit started, I was in my darkest days, wishing and wanting to be more!! I watched these influencer ladies design & renovate their houses!! I looked to them for inspiration.. “I wanted to be just like them”..


At the time,
I did not feel powerful at all!!

I felt creative…
…maybe inspired!!

I was already sharing my projects and renovations, but I didn’t consider the effects it had.. One day, I shared my personal struggles out loud (for ulterior motives) and the response I got was game changing!!

I realized that Empowered women don’t always empower woman, sometimes they intimidate them and make them feel less..

Building others has always been easier for me, than building myself! Somethings wrong with me!! 😅 But in sharing my struggles, it built a community of women that appreciated the authenticity.. They related with me, and were grateful that I was sharing my flaws.. & in that, my healing journey was made so much more beautiful!!!

It became my mission, to show ladies, that if “little-old-me” could do it,
you could do it too!! …and I knew that (to some people) I didn’t seem little!!

So BABES CAN BUILD IT was born!!

I wanted to start a community of woman who wanted to empower each other, simply by showing up and sharing their TRIALS!!

It is my hope that more woman would want to help #BuildEachOther and spread the mission to show up and share the message..

“ If I can do it, you can do it too!! “


Are you ready to celebrate WOMAN’S MONTH - 2023!?

XOXO, Ber!


The Story Behind the Hashtag


How I Started..